Siamo lieti di annunciare l’apertura delle iscrizioni XXXVI Convegno UMI-CIIM che si terrà nei giorni 6-8 ottobre 2022 all’Aquila.Per le iscrizioni bisogna procedere tramite il modulo ( entro il 15 settembre 2022.Ulteriori informazioni alla pagina dedicata al convegno (in aggiornamento continuo) (
Per gli insegnanti CODICI SOFIA Identificativo iniziativa 72389 – identificativo edizione 106306

Seminario Scuole Potenziate in Matematica

C’è tempo fino ad oggi 18 maggio 2022 per iscriversi all’INCONTRO SEMINARIALE SCUOLE POTENZIATE IN MATEMATICA, in calendario venerdì 20 maggio 2022, dalle 15.30-18.30 in modalità online (piattaforma Webex). Continua a leggere

XXXVIII Olimpiadi di Matematica

Il 5 maggio a Cesenatico le finali delle XXXVIII Olimpiadi italiane della matematica

CESENATICO (FC) – Dal 5 all’8 maggio 2022 si svolgeranno le finali nazionali delle Olimpiadi della matematica, giunte alla loro trentottesima edizione. Le Olimpiadi tornano in presenza dopo due anni in cui le gare, pur non fermandosi, si sono dovute tenere da remoto, e lo fanno sulla riviera romagnola, in quella Cesenatico che le ospita fin dal 1989.

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May 12th: a comic story about Maryam Mirzakhani

For May 12, the new issue of the Comics & Science series was published, The Mirzakhani Issue, produced by Cnr Edizioni in collaboration with the Italian Mathematical Union, which contains the story UNDER THE SIGN OF TORUS, written by Davide La Rosa and drawn by Silvia Ziche. Here you can read and download the full volume.

What is mathematical billiards? What trajectory does the ball make when bouncing off its tables? Is it possible to find a billiard table where, given the starting point of the ball, there are inaccessible points? And what do donuts and pretzels have to do with it? Some of these curious questions – actually, profound mathematical questions – were sought by mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to win the Fields Medal. Maryam Mirzakhani was an outstanding mathematician, one of the most notable minds of this millennium, and May 12, 1977 is her date of birth. When she died on July 15, 2017, the pain in the mathematical community was so enormous that in 2018, on the occasion of the first World Congress of Women in Mathematics, it was decided that May 12 would become the date on which to celebrate all the women in mathematics.

In celebrating this anniversary, the Italian Mathematical Union has decided to create, in collaboration with the National Research Council of Italy, on the proposal of the UMI commissions for equal opportunities and for communication, a volume of the Cnr Edizioni series Comics & Science with a story that has Maryam as its main character, created thanks to the surreal pen of Davide La Rosa, the masterful drawings of Silvia Ziche and the precious watercolors of Dario Grillotti. Surrounded by her mathematics family, Maryam is one-of-a-kind, but not alone. Alongside the story, which takes place in a particular atmosphere, full of mathematical suggestions, we find, as always, the highly refined and intelligent cartoons of Walter Leoni. The translator of the text (also of the full content of the volume) from the original Italian edition has been Jamie Richards.

But Comics & Science is not only comics. In fact, we also have a rich appendix of commentary. Chiara de Fabritiis, professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche and coordinator of the Equal Opportunities Committee of UMI, invites us to reconsider the widespread fear of making mistakes, explaining that in mathematics, error is a precious resource. Along with patience. Chiara, together with Barbara Nelli, professor at the University of L’Aquila, interviews the screenwriter Davide La Rosa and the artist Silvia Ziche, discovering their relationship with mathematics and above all how they handled the story of this charismatic and symbolic scientist. Elisabetta Strickland, professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and European member of the May 12 Coordination Group, tells us how Maryam Mirzhakani’s birthday has become the date for celebrating women in mathematics. Uniqueness, but also being part of many communities, is something that characterized Maryam Mirzakhani’s life, and this is what Barbara Fantechi, professor at SISSA, speaks to us about. As often happens, Comics & Science also offers a glimpse of some of the topics Mirzakhani addressed in her work, in a piece by its editorial staff written in collaboration with Corinna Ulcigrai, thanks to a discussion with Alfonso Sorrentino. Following is a remembrance by Ingrid Daubechies, James B. Duke Distinguished Professor at Duke University, who in 2014 was president of the International Mathematical Union, the organization that awards the Fields Medal, and therefore had the task of informing Mirzakhani that she was the first woman to have won one. The volume closes with a heartfelt letter from a high school student, Donata Moschella, who had the opportunity to preview the comic and reports her impressions directly to Maryam.

Using the flip-book commands below you can read the book in fullscreen, download or print it.


Silvia Ziche (Thiene, 1967) published her first comics in Linus in 1987. Then she made the pages of Cuore, Smemoranda, Topolino, Comix. Over the years she has contributed to several other periodicals and worked on several comic books. She has maintained a continuous collaboration with Disney publications alongside her own production. Her most recent character, Lucrezia, appears weekly on the pages of Donna Moderna, and occasionally, in bookstores.

Davide La Rosa (Como, 1980), after graduating from high school and a brief detour in Astronomy, enrolled in comics school. Alongside his studies he along with Emiliano Mattioli created the project “Fumetti Disegnati Male,” a self-produced magazine that collects various genres of comics drawn in a jumbled, rough, not “graphically correct” manner. He collaborates with Nicola Pesce Editore, Star Comics, Shockdom, and Sergio Bonelli Editore, among others. The original and controversial figure of the “cartoonist who doesn’t know how to draw,” he is one of the most beloved authors in the independent scene and the author of numerous books, including Zombi gay in Vaticano, Suore ninja, Paco Lanciano e il fagiano crononauta, Ugo Foscolo, indagatore dell’incubo, Giuseppe Parini, naufrago delle stelle, Dizionario dei film brutti a fumetti (with Fabrizio Di Nicola), Il libretto rosso del trio occhialuto antifascista, and La Divina Commedia illustrata male.


Text of the post translated by Jamie Richards.



Cento Anni di UMI a Bologna: il racconto della giornata

Il 31 Marzo a Bologna si è svolta una giornata di lavoro tra l’Unione Matematica Italiana e l’Università di Bologna per celebrare i 100 anni dell’UMI.

Di seguito il racconto della giornata e i link al materiale multimediale per rivedere l’evento.

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BUON COMPLEANNO UMI! L’Unione Matematica Italiana compie 100 anni

Il 31 marzo 2022 ricorre il primo centenario dell’Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI). Infatti, su invito di Vito Volterra, il 31 marzo 1922 Salvatore Pincherle, primo Presidente dell’Unione, scrisse a tutti i matematici dell’epoca descrivendo le finalità della nuova associazione che si andava costituendo. Continua a leggere

La Matematica unisce – Giornata Internazionale della Matematica 2022

Il 14 marzo si è festeggiato per il terzo anno la Giornata mondiale della matematica – International Day of Mathematics, organizzata dall’International Mathematical Union con il supporto di numerose organizzazioni scientifiche nazionali e internazionali. Quest’anno la giornata è dedicata al “La Matematica unisce”.  In tutti i vari paesi si celebra questa giornata con le scuole e anche con un pubblico generalista e ci saranno molti eventi, sia in presenza che online.

L’annuncio italiano:

Evento a Roma: Quale matematica per la città – 13 marzo

Tutti gli eventi italiani per la Giornata Internazionale della matematica:

Cento anni di UMI a Bologna

Il 31 Marzo a Bologna si svolgerà una giornata di lavoro tra l’Unione Matematica Italiana e l’Università di Bologna per celebrare i 100 anni dell’UMI.

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Internet comes to UniBO – Seminario

L’Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna segnala il seminario Internet comes to UniBO – A personal history del prof. Ozalp Babaoglu, che si terrà (in modalità mista) mercoledì 10 novembre 2021 alle 16. Al centro della presentazione sarà la storia di come il Dipartimento di Matematica diventò nel 1989 il primo nodo internet dell’Università di Bologna (e uno dei primi in Italia) e delle sfide tecniche, politiche e culturali associate.

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili nella locandina.

Riemann Prize Week

È in corso i questi giorni a Varese la Riemann Prize Week – Festival della Matematica. Maggiori informazioni nella locandina qui sotto.