1. The Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI) has established a Prize, sponsored by Springer-Verlag, of (gross) € 4000, to honour an excellent, original monograph in any field of mathematics.
2. The third edition of the Prize will be awarded during the annual UMI meeting, which will take place in Bologna, May 2020.
3. The Prize is awarded by the Prize Committee. The Prize Committee members are the President of UMI, who will chair the Committee, and four more mathematicians nominated by the Scientific Committee of UMI, two at least of them chosen among the members of the Editorial Board of the Springer Series UMI Lecture Notes in Mathematics (UMI LNiM).
4. The Prize is for an excellent, original mathematical monograph, which presents the latest developments in an active research area of Mathematics in which the author(s) made important contributions in recent years. The monograph must be original, unpublished, not subject to any copyright restrictions, written in English, and of at least 100 and at most 300 pages. In exceptional cases, manuscripts in languages other than English may be considered.
5. The Prize Committee will select the work to which the prize will be awarded and write the relative motivation. If no suitable candidates apply, the Committee can decide not to attribute the Prize.
6. The Prize Committee will submit, on behalf of the author(s), the prize-winning monograph to the UMI LNiM. If accepted by the Editorial Board, the manuscript will be published in the series, subject to the usual regulations concerning copyright and author’s rights. The author(s) will sign a standard publishing agreement with Springer. Other submitted monographs, if short-listed by the Committee, may also be published, with the same procedure, in the same Series.
7. The applications and nomination letters must be sent to the UMI office (Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, I-40126 Bologna), andreceived not later than December 31, 2019.
8. Applications and nominations must contain:
– a CV of the authors(s) of the submitted monograph;
– a description of the monograph, stressing its original and innovative aspects (no more than 10 pages);
– a hard copy of the monograph;
– a pdf file of the manuscript must also be sent, within the above terms, to the email address: Unione Matematica Italiana <>);
– the names of at least three experts who may be contacted as possible referees;
– a statement of acceptance of the conditions in no. 6.
Submitted monographs should be preferably typeset in TeX.