Unione Matematica Italiana
Piazza Porta San Donato 5
I-40126 Bologna
tel.+39 051 243190
fax +39 051 4214169
La segreteria risponde al telefono dalle 11 alle 13
Unione Matematica Italiana
Piazza Porta San Donato 5
I-40126 Bologna
tel.+39 051 243190
fax +39 051 4214169
La segreteria risponde al telefono dalle 11 alle 13
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Privacy Policy
/in NotizieThe Italian Mathematical Union strongly supports the recent statement of the Italian National University Council about the dismissal of 330 Turkish academics, considered opponents of the present regime. We believe that the coexistence of different opinions is essential for the development of a country and in particular of its science. We express our solidarity with our Turkish Colleagues who have been exposed to repressive measures, and firmly demand to put an end to what we consider to be heavy attacks to culture, science and democracy.
EMS President on Trump’s Executive Order
/in Archivio Documenti, NotizieThe Italian Mathematical Union (Unione Matematica Italiana) shares the concerns expressed by Professor Pavel Exner, President of the European Mathematical Society, about the decision taken by the US administration of temporarily suspending travels to the US from seven countries (see http://www.euro-math-soc.eu/news/17/01/31/ems-president-trumps-executive-order).
As Prof. Exner pointed out, such policies may jeopardize the atmosphere of international collaboration that science needs for its development.
Professor Ciro Ciliberto
President of the Unione Matematica Italiana
Book Prize of the Unione Matematica Italiana – new announcement
/in Bandi, Notizie, Opportunità1. The Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI) has established a Prize, sponsored by Springer-Verlag, of (gross) € 4000, to honour an excellent, original monograph in any field of mathematics.
2. The second edition of the Prize will be awarded during the annual UMI meeting which will take place in Bologna, May 2018.
3. The recipient of the Prize is determined by the Prize Committee. The Prize Committee members are the President of UMI, who will chair the Committee, and four more mathematicians designated by the Scientific Committee of UMI, two at least of them chosen among the members of the Editorial Board of the Springer series UMI Lecture Notes in Mathematics (UMI LNiM).
4. The Prize is awarded for an excellent, original mathematical monograph presenting the latest developments in an active research area of Mathematics, to which the author(s) made important contributions in recent years. The monograph must be original, unpublished, not subject to any copyright restrictions, written in English, and of at least 100 and at most 300 pages. In exceptional cases, manuscripts in languages other than English may be considered.
5. The Prize Committee will select the work to which the prize will be awarded and formulate the prize citation. In the absence of suitable candidates, the Committee can decide not to attribute the prize.
6. The Prize Committee will submit, on behalf of the author(s), the prize-winning monograph to the UMI LNiM. If accepted by the Editorial Board, the manuscript will be published in the series, subject to the usual regulations concerning copyright and author’s rights. The author(s) will sign a standard publishing agreement with Springer. Other submitted monographs, if short-listed by the Committee, may also be published, with the same procedure, in series.
7. The applications and nomination letters must be sent to the UMI office (Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, I-40126 Bologna), and received not later than October 31, 2017.
8. Applications and nominations must contain:
– a CV of the authors(s) of the submitted monograph;
– a description of the monograph, stressing its original and innovative aspects (no more than 10 pages);
– a hard copy of the monograph;
– a pdf file of the manuscript must also be sent, within the above terms, to the email address of UMI: Unione Matematica Italiana <dipmat.umi@unibo.it>);
– the names of at least three specialists who may be contacted as possible referees;
– a statement of acceptance of the conditions stated in no. 6.
Submitted monographs should preferably be typeset in TeX.
Carta del docente
/in Notizie[Carta del Docente: allo stato attuale, in assenza di circolari esplicative, si ritiene che l’elenco riportato sul sito https://cartadeldocente.istruzione.it/ sia l’elenco tassativo di cosa si può acquistare con la carta. Pertanto la quota associativa non rientra tra le possibilità di acquisto]
Nuovo documento del Presidente CIIM
/in NotizieCommento del Presidente della CIIM sui risultati dell’indagine OCSE-PISA 2015
2015 Sacks Prize
/in NotizieOmer Ben-Neria, University of California, Los Angeles, and Martino Lupini, California Institute of Technology
Ben-Neria received his Ph.D. in 2015 from Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Moti Gitik. In his thesis, The Possible Structure of the Mitchell Order, he proved the remarkable result that, under suitable large cardinal assumptions on the cardinal K, every well-founded partial order of cardinality K can be realized as the Mitchell order of K in some forcing extension. The Prizes and Awards Committee noted that the proof is a tour de force combination of sophisticated forcing techniques with the methods of inner model theory.
Lupini received his Ph.D. in 2015 from York University, Toronto under the supervision of Ilijas Farah. His thesis, Operator Algebras and Abstract Classification, includes a beautiful result establishing a fundamental dichotomy in the classification problem for the automorphisms of a separable unital C*-algebra up to unitary equivalence, as well as a proof that the Gurarij operator space is unique, homogeneous, and universal among separable 1-exact operator spaces. The Prizes and Awards Committee noted that his thesis exhibits a high level of originality, as well as technical sophistication, in a broad spectrum of areas of logic and operator algebras.
Mozioni CIIM
/in NotizieBANDO: Grant per Visiting Students
/in Bandi, Notizie, OpportunitàA seguito degli accordi con istituti di ricerca di alto profilo scientifico, l’UMI bandisce 2 (due) borse di studio del valore di 2.500 euro ciascuna, al fine di coprire / supportare le eventuali spese di iscrizione e/o le spese di viaggio e/o le spese di alloggio.
Bando 2017 e informazioni sulle istituzioni coinvolte (scadenza presentazione domanda 31 gennaio 2017)
Il talento di Claire Voisin per la matematica
/in Eventi, NotizieIl talento di Claire Voisin per la matematica
È stata la prima donna eletta al Collège de France nella più antica cattedra di Matematica europea. Per il suo insediamento, è stata organizzata una conferenza a cui sono stati invitati a parlare anche tre matematici italiani: Enrico Arbarello, Kieran O’Grady e Giulia Saccà, l’unica donna e la più giovane fra i 12 speaker. Fra l’altro, Giulia si era già distinta in passato, ricevendo nel 2015 il Premio Enriques dell’UMI. Quest’anno, Claire Voisin ha anche vinto la medaglia d’oro del CNRS, di gran lunga la più prestigiosa onorificenza scientifica francese. Socia straniera dell’Istituto Lombardo e dell’Accademia dei Lincei, potete scoprirne altre curiosità in questo dialogo di Barbara Fantechi e Gianluca Pacienza.
I Convegno GIMAT
/in NotizieNei giorni 21-22 ottobre 2016 si è tenuto presso l’Università degli Studi di Catania il I Convegno “Giornate di studio dell’Insegnante di MATematica” sul seguente tema: Insegnare Matematica Oggi
Gli atti del Convegno di possono scaricare dal seguente sito: http://math.unipa.it/~grim/quaderno26_suppl_1.htm