“Framing Global Mathematics” (libro)

È stato pubblicato il libro “Framing Global Mathematics: The International Mathematical Union between Theorems and Politics” di Norbert Schappacher (Springer 2022).

Condividiamo in merito la segnalazione ricevuta da Helge Holden, Segretario Generale dell’Unione Matematica Internazionale (IMU).
It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of the book “Framing Global Mathematics: The International Mathematical Union between Theorems and Politics” by Norbert Schappacher (Springer, Cham, 2022).
Schappacher’s book provides the most comprehensive and exciting take on the history of the IMU since Olli Lehto’s “Mathematics without borders, a history of the International Mathematical Union”, and more broadly analyzes the historical context of today’s mathematics and its place in world culture.
It is available in open access and can be freely downloaded from here.
The origins of this project date back to 2019, when – following a call made to all Adhering Organizations – the IMU solicited the writing of a book to mark the occasion of the centennial
of the founding of the IMU in 1920. The project is generously sponsored by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.