Call II incontro UMI Dottorandi (proroga deadline)

II meeting UMI for Doctoral Students

Naples, June 13-14, 2024

Ph.D. students from an Italian institution, graduating with a Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics during years 2022-23-24 that aim to deliver a talk during the Second UMI meeting of PhD students can submit their abstract beginning from November 1st  2023 to January 31st February 16th, 2024.

The Committee encourages participating in the call of all candidates with achievements in all fields of mathematics, ranging from the most abstract and theoretical to the closest to industrial collaborations and multi-disciplinary interactions. Students from PhD programs in Mathematics, as well as neighbouring topics, are invited to apply.

The application should be submitted using the registration form, with the following attachments:

  • a 1-page PDF file with title and abstract (including co-authors and bibliographical references, if needed);
  • optionally, the PDF file of the Ph.D. thesis (if already submitted or defended).
  • Also, the Ph.D. student’s advisor is required to send a reference letter (in Italian or English)