Firenze, Dipartimento di Matematica
20 maggio 2016
11.30-12.20 Camillo De Lellis, Universitaet Zurich
12.20-13.30 Pausa Pranzo
13.30-15.30 Assemblea e dibattito
15.40-16.30 André Neves, Imperial College
Durante l’Assemblea interverrà Paolo Rossi, Università di Pisa, membro del CUN, per parlare delle strategie del ministero per i finanziamenti alla ricerca, le direzioni di un’eventuale riforma, le previsioni per le abilitazioni. Tutti sono invitati a contribuire a questo momento informativo e di confronto sul futuro della ricerca italiana.
Camillo De Lellis
Universitaet Zurich
The h principle and fluid dynamics
Sunto: In this talk I will explain some interesting connections between some classical problems in fluid dynamics and an iteration technique pioneered by Nash in his famous 1954 paper on the existence of C^1 isometric embeddings.
André Neves
Imperial College
Min-max Methods in Geometry
Sunto: Min-max methods were first introduced in Geometry by Birkhoff in 1920 and the theory was later expanded by Almgren in the 60’s and Pitts in the 80’s. Recently it has been used by Fernando Marques and myself to prove the Willmore conjecture, the Freedman-He-Wang conjecture, and a old conjecture of Yau in the positive Ricci curvature setting. I will survey these results, talk about new developments, and mention some new directions.