Riceviamo dalla Presidente della EMS la seguente comunicazione che volentieri
Dear Colleague,
The European Commission has published a call for independent experts to evaluate proposals for EU funding under HORIZON 2020, and also for other activities like monitoring, programme evaluation and policy development.
See the press release:
We encourage expert mathematicians to apply. For that one should have to go first to the participant portal
and create an account.
The call remains open for the lifetime of HORIZON 2020.
We will appreciate your collaboration in the distribution of this information.
With best regards,
Marta Sanz-Solé
The European Mathematical Society

Fermat Prize 2013 awarded to de Lellis and Hairer

The Fermat Prize awarded once every two years by the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse has been awarded jointly to Camillo De Lellis for his fundamental contributions (in collaboration with László Székelyhidi) to the conjecture of Onsager about dissipative solutions of the Euler-equations and for his work to the regularity of minimal surfaces; and to Martin Hairer for his contributions to the analysis of stochastic partial differential equations, especially for the regularity of their solutions and convergence to the equilibrium.

L’Unione Matematica Italiana si congratula vivamente col collega De Lellis per questo meritatissimo riconoscimento.

Medaglie ICMI 2013

La Commissione per le medaglie ICMI 2013 ha terminato i suoi lavori.
I vincitori sono:
– Michèle Artigue (Paris) – The Felix Klein Medal for lifetime achievement
– Frederick Leung (Hong Kong) – The Hans Freudenthal Medal for a major cumulative programme of research
Congratulazioni vivissime: è un meritato riconoscimento al loro contributo all’educazione matematica e quindi a tutta la comunità che lavora in questo ambito!
Avremo l’opportunità di congratularci con loro all’ICME 13 in Amburgo nel 2016.
Ferdinando Arzarello (Presidente ICMI)

Women in Mathematics Committee

La nostra collega Elisabetta Strickland è stata nominata membro della Women in Mathematics Committee della European Mathematical Society per il periodo 2014-2021. L’Unione Matematica Italiana si compiace di tale scelta e le invia vive congratulazioni.
Riportiamo una breve descrizione del Committee.
This committee’s remit is to address issues relating to the involvement, retention and progression of women in mathematics. It should also support and promote the recognition of the achievements of women mathematicians. It should discuss and be ready to support appropriate initiatives to this end coming from either groups or individuals. The committee should act as the coordinating body for the committees for women in mathematics of EMS member societies, and it will also cooperate with other associations for women in mathematics.

The second Stephen Smale Prize

The second Stephen Smale Prize will be awarded in the meeting Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) in Montevideo in December 2014. We hereby call for nominations of candidates.
Nominations (self-nominations excluded) should be sent to FoCM secretary Antonella Zanna at:
Deadline: 24:00 (GMT), March 10, 2014
Summary of prize rules (see for full details):
* The goal of the Smale Prize is to recognize major achievements in furthering the understanding of the connections between mathematics and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science.
* To be eligible for the prize a candidate must be in his or her early to mid career, meaning, typically, removed by at most 10 years of his/her (first) doctoral degree by the first day of the FoCM meeting (Dec 11, 2014). Allowances might be made for atypical life circumstances.
* Each nomination should be accompanied by a brief case for support. The nomination should include at least three letters of recommendation.
* The recipient of the prize is expected to give a lecture at the meeting. A written version of this lecture (tagged as the Smale Prize Lecture) will be included in the volume of plenary talks.