July 16. Social Events

As posted on this web site, the registration to social events was closed on May 8 due to logistics. Only the participants who booked for social events before this date may join them and are required to show their conference badge. In case of reservations for companions, you will receive an “orange companion badge” in the envelope with the conference badge.

July 10. Badge

Do not forget to bring your badge with you all the time during the meeting.

There will be other people on campus on those days, such as students taking the admission test for medical school on July 23, as well as relatives for graduation day.

It is therefore important to recognise the registered participants so that they can enjoy the services offered by the organisation.

July 8. Special sessions

On July 23, special sessions will be in Buildings, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14. On this day, do not go to Building 19 because there is an admission test for medical school!

On July 24, 25, 26, special sessions will be in Buildings 8, 13, 19.

July 8. The registration kit

Although you registered online, do not miss onsite registration on campus. The desk will be in Building 7 every day from 8 am until 5:30 pm. Do not miss to take the registration kit: you can read more about it on the Registration web page.

July 1. Update

The web page “The congress venue (and how to get there)” has been updated. There are new pages about “Practical Infos”, especially the page “Something to eat” on lunch, coffee break and dinner.

June 27. News

If you browse the web site, you can read the lists of registered participants (in alphabetical order) and the first part of the Book of Abstracts. The second one is coming soon!