The registration fee covers free access to the university canteen, which is contained in Building 1 on campus. You will be given 4 lunch tickets with the date printed on them. Each ticket gives you three options: a full-course meal or a first course and a side dish or a second course with a side dish. After choosing your option, you will hand in to the personnel the part of the ticket relative to your choice.

The canteen entrance is a black door close to the cafeteria “Bar 30 e lode”. The canteen opens at noon and closes at 2:30 pm. In order to regulate the flow of people and minimise the time spent in line, we agreed on three different shifts:

12:00 – 1:00 pm

1:00 – 1:45 pm

1:45 – 2:30 pm

The canteen has two floors and you can sit upstairs or downstairs. On the ground floor, you can select pizza and hamburger (each of them as an alternative to a full-course meal); on the first floor you can select other dishes.

If you do not feel like going to the canteen, there are further lunch options around campus that are not covered by the registration fee. You can look them up on Google Maps at this link or scan the following QR Code.