The opening ceremony is scheduled on Tuesday July 23 from 9:30 and 10:30 am. In addition to institutional greetings, the AMS President, the UMI President and the Program Committee chairs will introduce the participants to four days of intensive research and cultural exchanges.

The closing ceremony is scheduled on Friday July 26 from 6:45 to 7:30 pm. On that occasion, UMI will also award the Book Prize supported by Springer.

You may attend the opening and the closing ceremonies in person in Edificio 7, Aula Magna. Due to the high number of participants, the ceremonies will also be live-stream in Edificio 7 (Building 7), Aula Capitò (Room Capitò) and in Edificio 8 (Building 8), Room F130 and Room F150.

For more information on the campus, visit the campus map.

The general schedule may be found on this web page