• Welcome to the II meeting UMI for Doctoral Students

II Meeting UMI for Doctoral Students

Napoli, June 13-14, 2024

Welcome to the II UMI Meeting for Doctoral Students in Napoli.

The opportunity to submit your candidacy as a speaker is now closed. We appreciate everyone who participated. The selection will be published soon.

The Committee invites all Doctoral Students and participants to join us in this unique event, encompassing a wide range of mathematical fields, from the most abstract theory to industrial collaboration and multidisciplinary interactions.

To register, please use the registration form. The deadline for registration is May 20th for speakers and May 31st for participants.

Thank you for your interest and participation. Stay tuned for further updates on the event.

Scientific Committee: Alessandra Bernardi (Università di Trento) – Presidente, Martino Bardi (Università di Padova), Claudia Ceci (Sapienza Università di Roma), Anna Maria Fino (Università di Torino), Veronica Gavagna (Università di Firenze), Angelo Felice Lopez (Università di Roma Tre), Benedetta Morini (Università di Firenze), Gioconda Moscariello (Università di Napoli), Andrea Tosin (Politecnico di Torino), Matteo Viale (Università diTorino)

Organising Committee (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II): Gioconda Moscariello (Presidente), Bruno Buonomo, Luigia Caputo, Salvatore Cuomo, Maria De Falco, Paola Festa, Giuseppe Marino, Carlo Maria Mantegazza, Maria Mellone, Carlo Nitsch, Francesco Piccialli, Giuseppina Terzo

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